Центр внедрения лазерных и инновационных  технологий
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About Company

The center for promotion of the laser and innovation technologies of Kaluga region (CPLIT) was founded in October 2007 in Obninsk within the framework of international Russian- German project. Since November the Center began the active collaboration with the enterprises of Kaluga region. Until this time initiative-taking group had been in touch with the government of the Kaluga region, the Laser Association of Russia, the Hannover Laser center, the educational establishments of Obninsk. As a result the agreements about the support of laser center activity were signed.

The main goal of Center is to ensure the cooperation, which facilitates the advance of laser technologies and contemporary laser equipment for the enterprises of Kaluga region, achieving for this:

  • Training of specialists in the field of laser technologies for machine building and the metal workings, laser safety, management in Hi-Tech.
  • Production services in laser processing of materials with the use of the own equipment of CPLIT and also equipment of other regional laser centers.
  • Consultations in mastering of laser technologies, the selection of equipment and company- suppliers; the demonstration of the possibilities of laser technology, assistance in the establishment of contacts with the developers of laser technologies, with the German laser centers, participation in the regional and federal programs, etc

CPLIT belongs to the all-Russian system of regional laser innovation- technological centers (RLITC) - the infrastructure, which facilitates the practical mastery of laser technologies by domestic enterprises. It is known that 20 years ago our country was one of world leaders for the developments in the field of laser technique and technologies. In the 90's, up to the well known reasons, these positions were lost, now they slowly are restored. Now one of the world leaders who actively use the laser technologies in the industry, and also supplying contemporary laser equipment for the world market is Germany. Enormous role in this played the creation in Germany of the network of the innovation laser centers, which render consultation to the interested enterprises, organize the training of specialists, develop of new technologies, and also rendering of production services like the job-shop.

Organization of RLITC infrastructure in Russia is accomplished by Laser Association under professor Ivan Kovsh’s management. Just there were created and actively work the regional laser centers in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Samara, Tomsk, Ekaterinburg, Obninsk, the preparation for the organization of analogous centers in other 10 industrially developed regions of Russia is conducted. Within the framework of existing Russian- German agreement about the scientific and technical collaboration in the field of lasers this activity is supported by the laser centers of the federal lands of Germany, in particular, by laser center of Hannover.

The CPLIT partners are "Raster- technology", (Obninsk), Moscow laser innovation- technological center and other regional centers of Laser Association, Laser center of Hannover (Germany), and also the number of German companies which supply high-quality laser equipment for the world market. More details you will read in "Partners".

The command of Center consists of professionals, having many years of work with the laser equipment, and also experienced managers. They are always ready to consult customer on all "laser-technological" questions. We will be glad to collaborate with all interested enterprises and we hope that the activity of laser center will help to actively inject laser technologies in the productions of Kaluga region.

Russian version